Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Heart Button

It was Spring 2005, that Toby happened into our lives. He was a young cat that belonged to my son. We met Toby during their stay with us through the hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004. He was a short hair gray tabby with white mittens, chest and mouth. and a small gray smudge that looked like a crooked mustache and a small round gray patch smack dab in the middle of his chest.. This playful and adorable cat won over our hearts. Months later, Toby came to live with us permanently. He seemed to thrive on the attention we gave him. It was an easy thing to want to love him. Our screened-in porch that overlooked the woods was his favorite place to be, watching and listening to the birds and squirrels in the trees and waterbirds near the pond.

Toby-toes was such an easy going, laid back kind of cat. He was so tolerant of the rambunctiousness of our two young rescued kitties, Cleo and Riley. Sweet Toby was such a unique cat with his own quirky ways He had grown to be a fat, happy feline. Often times, we would find him on the couch reclining back against the cushions like a couch potato. I could swear he would watch TV like this sometimes. It was the cutest thing ever! He would crouch down low, run and hide at the sound of the vacuum cleaner being taken out of the closet. Never will you see a cat as big as he run as fast!! Really hilarious! He loved spending time in our courtyard, chewing on the grass, and chasing lizards through the bushes. Toby was not the most successful lizard hunter, though. Sometimes he would come out of the bushes carrying a twig or piece of bark as if it was his prize lizard kill. Too funny!

Toby was such an affectionate cat. He loved hugs. Often,when you were near him, he would stand up on his hind legs and reach up your leg with his front paws indicating his need for a hug. He would drape himself over your shoulder and rub up against the side of your face with his. Toby would stay there for a considerably long time, purring and very content. What a beautiful connection he made with me! I would find the gray patch on his chest, and rub his Heart Button.

Sadly last April, Toby passed away at the tender age of 5, apparently from a heart condition. We buried him in our back yard of the home we moved into a few weeks earlier. My Sweet Toby-toes, you are missed terribly. Thank you so much for bringing such joy to all of our hearts.

In Loving Memory.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Everyday Blessings

Welcome to Everyday Blessings - a growing collection of poems, thoughts, and stories I would like to share with my friends and family. I am so fortunate to have them in my life. They are all special and unique, of different races, political, social, and spiritual beliefs.
So my Blessings to you all!!!

April 6, 2010

Thank You, God a poem by Edna Abbott

Thank You God, for loving me
and giving me Your peace,
There is no other thing on earth
that gives such sweet release
For when my heart is heavy
and burdened down with care
I find you never fail me,
in fact, You're always there.

I have a lot of friends on earth
who help when life gets tough,
And though at times they help a lot
sometime it's not enough
And so You see I need You, Lord,
to care for me each day
So I will kinda' keep in touch
each evening when I pray.

I really have a lot of things
I'd like to thank You for
And while I think on it a bit
I'll mention three or four:
I thank You for my family,
for the flowers and the trees,
I thank you for the sunsets
and the gentle evening breeze.

I also have some neighbors
who are very nice to me,
With all the good things that You give
I'm blest as I can be.
And so my soul will thank You, Lord,
my heart will have a song
Because You're watching over me
all night and all day long.


Trees are probably one of the best gifts Mother Earth has given us. It
ranks right up there with air and water. Just think of all the wonderful things trees offer us...shelter and shade, whistling wind and rustling leaves, health and beauty, fruits and wood, tree houses and swings, birds and monkeys, autumn colors and winter spectacles..only to name a few.

I just love trees.